
Building Predictive in vitro and ex vivo Models

SCIREQ’s recent webinar on “Maximizing Drug Development Efficiency Using Predictive in vitro and ex vivo Models” highlighted the significant impact of predictive in vitro and ex vivo models on preclinical development, especially for inhalational drugs aimed at respiratory diseases. 

By leveraging tools like PCLS, expoCube, and computational dosimetry models, researchers can identify therapeutic windows, optimize dosing, and assess toxicity early, reducing the need for extensive in vivo testing.

If you’d like to explore how these technologies can enhance your research projects, our team of specialists is ready to assist you. Simply fill out the form below to receive a tailored project proposal based on your specific needs and objectives.

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in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro Exposure

The expoCube provides a novel ALI (air liquid interface) culture exposure system, integrating with the inExpose system’s existing exposure generators such as the integrated cigarette smoking robot and industry leading e-cigarette extensions.

The expoCube features:

  • Reproducibility: Efficient, uniform, and precise exposure of particulates onto target cells and tissues.
  • Precision: Optimized flow paths using advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling.
  • Deposition: Patented thermophoresis, increasing the deposition efficiency of small particles without imparting unnatural electrostatic charges onto the aerosols.

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