
Download the summary: Advanced In Vitro Models of Inhalation Toxicology


In Vitro Models of Inhalation Download

Session Description: In this discussion, speakers will present tips to creating effective and reproducible particle deposition profiles, along with generating the most physiologically relevant exposure models and establishing in vitro/in vivo correlations with airway-liquid interface cultures.


Application of PRIT ExpoCube system for inhalation PBPK modeling – use case for an inhalable agent
  • Dr. Katharina Schwarz: Department of Aerosol Technology, Fraunhofer ITEM      
Comparative Analysis of Cannabis Vapor Exposure Models for in vitro Assessment using the expoCube
  • Emily Wilson, PhD candidate, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Measuring inhalation uptake and local toxicity with the PRIT expoCube system
  • Dr. Tanja Hansen, Senior Research Scientist in vitro and Mechanistic Toxicology, Fraunhofer ITEM

Speaker Spotlight

Katharina Schwarz
Dr. Katharina Schwarz

Dr. Katharina Schwarz (f) leads the department “Aerosol Technology and Aerosol Biophysics” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Hannover, Germany. She has a doctoral degree in mechanical process engineering with about 15 years of experience in the field of biophysical particle-lung interaction and conduct of toxicological, pre-clinical and clinical studies. She has a strong expertise at the interface between aerosol/inhalation research, respiratory pharmacokinetics, toxicology/physiology, and exposure science.

Currently, the special research interests are in the field of characterization of the sources of potentially harmful airborne substances (external dose), their spreading/dispersion and transformation, the characterization of human exposure at workplaces and to consumers, and uptake and distribution in the organism (internal dose). This includes development and evaluation of exposure modelling concepts, development of an inhalation-focused PBK model as well as quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (QIVIVE) in cooperation with the departments Preclinical Pharmacology, In Vitro Toxicology and In Silico Toxicology.  

Since 2019 she is one of the chairs of the working group Environmental/Occupational Health/Toxicology of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine.

Emily Wilson
Emily Wilson, PhD Candidate

Emily is a PhD candidate in Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Having obtained her BSc in Human Nutrition, understanding the interactions between the human body and its environment has always been at the forefront of her interests. Since joining the Baglole lab in 2020, Emily has worked to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of inhaled cannabis products on the respiratory system. Her work focuses on the ability of cannabinoids to activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway, which plays an important role in protecting the lungs from inflammation. Recently, Emily has been working to develop methods for in vitro testing of cannabis smoke and vapour products.

Dr. Tanja Hansen

Dr. Tanja Hansen leads the working group “In-vitro Test Systems” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Hannover, Germany. She has a background in veterinary medicine receiving her doctor’s degree in 1998 from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover. She is a veterinary specialist in pharmacology and toxicology. Her work focuses on the development and validation of cellular in-vitro models with emphasis on airborne substances and uptake by inhalation.

In Vivo and In Vitro Smoke Exposure

We are proud to introduce the commercialized expoCube, adding robust in vitro exposure to the automated inExpose system. 

The expoCube provides a novel ALI (air liquid interface) culture exposure system, integrating with the inExpose’s existing exposure generators such as the integrated cigarette smoking robot and industry leading e-cigarette extensions.

The expoCube features:

  • Reproducibility: Efficient, uniform, and precise exposure of particulates onto target cells and tissues.
  • Precision: Optimized flow paths using advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling.
  • Deposition: Patented thermophoresis, increasing the deposition efficiency of small particles without imparting unnatural electrostatic charges onto the aerosols.
expoCube with Tray