Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) help researchers understand pathophysiological mechanisms associated with various respiratory diseases. The physioLens is a scientific platform that provides accurate physiological and image-based outcomes in a reproducible fashion. It includes an automated microscope and fluid handling system
The expoCube is a novel Air Liquid Interface (ALI)/Transwell in vitro / ex vivo exposure system that efficiently deposits aerosols onto cells and tissues. Using Thermophoresis, which directs particles onto target tissues via a temperature gradient, the expoCube increases deposition rates from 2% to nearly 40%. Its integration with a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) enables real-time measurement of the deposited dose, providing precise control over experimental conditions.
The flexiVent is widely regarded as the gold standard for in vivo lung function measurements. It goes beyond traditional resistance and compliance measurements, and captures crucial details about the mechanical properties of conducting airways, terminal airways and parenchyma.
The flexiVent achieves the highest sensitivity and reproducibility by precisely controlling experimental conditions.
The inExpose is designed to operate under a standard fume hood, and distinguishes itself by its compact size and high level of integration. Its modularity and integration permits both nose-only and/or whole body exposure of rodents, as well as automated generation of cigarette smoke and aerosols. The small form factor reduces direct and indirect costs, and low internal volumes also minimize unintended dilution of precious compounds.
Plethysmography is a standard method for studying pulmonary function in conscious, spontaneously breathing laboratory subjects. The barometric plethysmography technique measures flow and pressure changes that occur while the subject is breathing, before and after exposure to a drug or other challenges. It is easily adapted to various subject sizes and species, and is often used for longitudinal studies where the subjects are studied for multiple hours on successive experiment days.
Dr. Vanoirbeek is a research Associate Professor at KU Leuven. His interests are occupational and environmental exposure assessment and toxicology, with a special focus on experimental lung immune toxicology. Learn more about his work in this interview!
Dr. Davis is a PI in the Department of Veterinary Biosciences at The Ohio State University. Research in the Davis lab is focused on the pathophysiologic effects of pulmonary viral infections. Learn more about his work in this interview!
Dr. Carolyn Baglole is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at McGill University. Her laboratory focuses on how chronic lung diseases such as COPD are associated with environmental exposures, particularly cigarette smoke.
Learn what Dr. Harry
Karmouty-Quintana, a scientist at the forefront of the preclinical idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) research field, has to say about his research and the current state and future of the field.
The Wold lab studies the effects of E-cigarettes use on the cardiovascular system in a preclinical model. We sat down with him to learn more about his research and get his thoughts on the state of inhalation toxicology research.
The Halayko lab focuses on the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma and is at the forefront of preclinical asthma research. We sat down with Dr. Halayko to learn more about his thoughts on the current state and future of asthma research.
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