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SCIREQ & the Fraunhofer ITEM hosted a session at the 2024 Society of Toxicology this year in Salt Lake City on: Bridging the Gap Across Models: Integrating in vivo and in vitro Inhalation Toxicity Assessments. 

Session Description: During this session, speakers examined critical factors for robust and reliable in vitro and in vivo aerosol exposure studies with inhaled therapeutics and with airborne toxicants such as e-cigarettes. The speakers dicussed the importance of establishing correlations between in vitro and in vivo outcomes, and explored the respective strengths and limitations of mouse and airway-liquid interface (ALI) models.


Application of PRIT ExpoCube System for ex vivo Inhaled Drug Testing
  • Dr. Katharina Schwarz, leads the department “Aerosol Technology and Aerosol Biophysics” at the Fraunhofer ITEM.
Studying thirdhand vaping exposures using the inExpose system – Exposure Assessment and Biological Characterization
  • Dr. Patricia Silveyra: Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health.
  • Dr. Sarah Commodore: Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health in the School of Public Health at Indiana University Bloomington.

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Speaker Spotlight

Dr. Katharina Schwarz

Dr. Katharina Schwarz (f) leads the department “Aerosol Technology and Aerosol Biophysics” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Hannover, Germany.

She is an expert at the interface between aerosol/inhalation research, respiratory pharmacokinetics, toxicology/physiology, and inhalation exposure science with a special focus on particle lung dosimetry and biophysical particle-lung interactions. In her institutional role she is responsible for the aerosol aerosol/inhalation and dosimetry-related/QIVIVE-related aspects in drug development programs as well as toxicological and inhalation exposure studies including GLP/GCP-compliance. Customers are major pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic companies from Europe and US as well regulatory authorities.

Dr. Patricia Silveyra

Dr. Patricia Silveyra is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health. Her research focuses on the study of sex differences and the role of sex hormones and their receptors in mechanisms of lung inflammation. She uses a combination of in vivo and in-vitro models to assess the effects of environmental exposures such as air pollutants, allergens, and vapes in both the healthy and diseased lung (including asthma and lung cancer), with special consideration of sex as a biological variable.

Dr. Sarah Commodore

Sarah Commodore is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health in the School of Public Health at Indiana University Bloomington. The focus of Dr. Commodore’s research program is to understand how environmental pollutants influence molecular mechanisms in the developing and compromised (diseased) lungs. She is particularly interested in understanding how exposures to vaping products influence molecular mechanisms involved with 1) in utero development of the lungs, and 2) inflammatory responses during critical developmental and disease windows.

expoCube with Tray

In Vivo and In Vitro Smoke Exposure

We are proud to introduce the commercialized expoCube, adding robust in vitro exposure to the automated inExpose system. 

The expoCube provides a novel ALI (air liquid interface) culture exposure system, integrating with the inExpose’s existing exposure generators such as the integrated cigarette smoking robot and industry leading e-cigarette extensions.

The expoCube features:

  • Reproducibility: Efficient, uniform, and precise exposure of particulates onto target cells and tissues.
  • Precision: Optimized flow paths using advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling.
  • Deposition: Patented thermophoresis, increasing the deposition efficiency of small particles without imparting unnatural electrostatic charges onto the aerosols.

No cal? No problem! Using Noninvasive Impedance to Assess Respiratory Function


Hosted Session  – March 12th, 2024, 12-1pm MST, Room 155 C

emka TECHNOLOGIES will be hosted a free in-person session on March 12th. The event will be held at the SOT 2024 Conference Room in Room 155C

Session description: The presentation discussed evaluation of noninvasive impedance device for respiratory assessment using emkaPACK Jacketed Telemetry System. Through standard external ECG leads both ECG and external respiratory impedance data was compared against the proven RIP system using positive control agents. Additionally, calibration stability was evaluated over time through pre and post calibration checks. Finally, the presentation demonstrated methods of recovering data in the event of inaccurate pneumotach calibrations using scaling utilities within ECG auto.