Evaluation of Respiratory System Mechanics in Mice using the Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT).
McGovern, Toby K., et al. “Evaluation of respiratory system mechanics in mice using the forced oscillation technique.” Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE 75 (2013)., J. Vis. Exp. (75), e50172, doi:10.3791/50172 (2013)
Assessment of Respiratory Function in Conscious Mice by Double-chamber Plethysmography
Mailhot-Larouche, Samuel, et al. “Assessment of Respiratory Function in Conscious Mice by Double-chamber Plethysmography.” Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE 137 (2018)., J. Vis. Exp. (137), e57778, doi:10.3791/57778 (2018).
Generation of Electronic Cigarette Aerosol by a Third-Generation Machine-Vaping Device: Application to Toxicological Studies
Noël, Alexandra, et al. “Generation of Electronic Cigarette Aerosol by a Third-Generation Machine-Vaping Device: Application to Toxicological Studies.” JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 138 (2018): e58095-e58095., J. Vis. Exp. (138), e58095, doi:10.3791/58095 (2018).
Within the Material and Methods section of a publication, instruments such as those produced by SCIREQ should be identified with, at minimum, the supplier’s name and location e.g. (product/part no. XYZ, Instrument manufacturer, City, Country).
For example, “Respiratory mechanics were assessed using the flexiVent FX equipped with a module 2 (flexiVent FX, SCIREQ Scientific Respiratory Equipment Inc., Montréal, Canada).”
Below are our recommendations on how to reference SCIREQ and emka TECHNOLOGIES products. Please note the capitalization of the ‘V’ in flexiVent, the ‘E’ in inExpose and the ‘F’ in vivoFlow.
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