Animal Models of Rett Syndrome

Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disease resulting from a loss of function mutation in MeCP2; an epigenetic modulator of transcription regulation
The Lung Epithelial Protein PDIA3’s Role In Airway Mechanics During Influenza Infection

The Lung Epithelial Protein PDIA3’s Role In Airway Mechanics During Influenza Infection Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) are a family of chaperone enzymes within the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum that facilitate creation of disulfide (-S-S-) bonds in proteins. PDIA3 is a PDI which has been found to interact with influenza virus A hemagglutinin (IHA), a protein found […]
Refined Study Design with Spirometry

Refined Preclinical Study Design with Spirometry Spirometry is a widely known clinical pulmonary test measuring volumes and flows expired by patients that is used to confirm a diagnostic of respiratory disease or follow treatment. SCIREQ’s flexiVent’s offers an analogous test for preclinical research with its Negative Pressure Forced Expiration (NPFE) extension. By exposing the subject’s airway […]
Longitudinal Studies With The flexiVent to Acquire Lung Mechanics

Longitudinal Studies With the flexiVent to Acquire Lung Mechanics When developing an appropriate protocol to assess respiratory mechanics, there is a trade-off between accuracy of the measurements and the invasiveness of the technique. The flexiVent favours an invasive technique, producing results that are unparalleled in accuracy. However, when performing longitudinal studies, there is some tendency to lean […]
Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself Attending a training such as the Phenotyping Mice Models of Human Lung Disease organized by the Jackson Laboratory is a great way to advance skillsets or simply get started in the field of respiratory research. It represents a wonderful opportunity for researchers of all stages to learn and network in a structured yet informal environment. […]
Obese Mice Study Proves to Use the Ideal Weight

Obese Mice Study Proves to Use the Ideal Weight When working with obese mice, what weight to use when performing flexiVent measurements? This question is quite an important one for two reasons. First, there is a substantial difference in weight between the obese subjects vs. the lean control group. For instance, obese mice can weigh […]
Oxygen Saturation (SPO2) Monitoring During Pulmonary Studies

Oxygen Saturation (SPO2) Monitoring During Pulmonary Studies Oxygen saturation is the fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin (unsaturated + saturated) in the blood. A very precise and specific balance of oxygen in the blood is necessary to keep the body functioning properly. Monitoring these changes provides complimentary outcomes and a means to quantify […]
First Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Mouse Model

First Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Mouse Model Congratulations to Dr. Beers and his team for developing and phenotyping the first idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis mouse model! Pulmonary fibrosis mouse model – why do we need them? Mouse models are an important research tool for preclinical scientists. Alternatives including cells and computer simulations do exist, however they are not […]