Dr. Jeroen Vanoirbeek is a research Associate Professor at KU Leuven. His interests are occupational and environmental exposure assessment and toxicology, with a special focus on experimental lung immune toxicology.
I am a biologist from training, with a major in animal physiology and molecular biology. As it was impossible to stay at the biology department, I moved to the medical department whereby coincidence I came into the lung toxicology group of prof. Ben Nemery. In this team, there was a large focus also on lung physiology and how to measure it in animal models, which triggered my fascination for this research field. This research topic perfectly aligned with my master training and was a perfect match.
In the last five years, we have been using the flexiVent’s Forced Expired Volume (FEV) extension which allows clinical correlation (Forced Expired Volume/Forced Vital Capacity; FEV/FVC). Still there are caveats as the negative pressure expiration is passive perturbation and is not quite mimicking the active effort of spirometry in a clinical setting. Yet, preclinical lung function parameters should lean as much as possible to clinical human diagnostics, in order to translate the findings in animal models easier to the human situation. This will result in time to better estimations on possible improvement by therapeutics in humans vs the results obtained in animal models.
Vanoirbeek, J. A., Rinaldi, M., De Vooght, V., Haenen, S., Bobic, S., Gayan-Ramirez, G., … & Janssens, W. (2010). Noninvasive and invasive pulmonary function in mouse models of obstructive and restrictive respiratory diseases. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 42(1), 96-104.
Dekoster, K., Decaesteker, T., Berghen, N., Van den Broucke, S., Jonckheere, A. C., Wouters, J., … & Velde, G. V. (2020). Longitudinal micro-Computed Tomography-derived biomarkers quantify non-resolving lung fibrosis in a silicosis mouse model. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.
If you have any questions about the flexiVent or inExpose for your preclinical studies, please contact us!
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