
Understanding the Pulmonary Effects of Inhaled Arsenic Trioxide (ATO)

Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is an inorganic arsenical that poses significant environmental and public health risks due to its toxic nature. While it is widely used in various industrial and medicinal applications, the potential harm caused by intentional or accidental exposure cannot be overlooked.

Respiration & Neural Dynamics in Odor Fear Learning

The ability to time intervals is critical for fundamental animal behaviors such as anticipating rewarding or aversive events. However, the neurobiological basis of interval timing in Pavlovian associative learning is poorly understood.

Strategic Assessment of Lung Function

Lung function testing is often considered of prime importance in preclinical respiratory research. Being integrative, functional, and translational, the conclusions of such assessments typically impact the decision-making process.

Exploring ALI Exposures: From Cell Lines to Endpoints

Air Liquid Interface

Traditional submerged cell culture techniques have well-known limitations for aerosol exposure studies; for instance, the impact of exposure dilution within the media and the poor solubility/sedimentation of some exposure particles1. Air liquid interface (ALI) cultures are a technique whereby cells are grown on a microporous membrane insert, immersed in a media-containing well.

Airway Hyperreactivity in Chlorine Exposed EIB Swimmers Model

Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) are conditions commonly affecting high-intensity athletes such as competitive swimmers.AHR and EIB in athletes have been well defined, however, studies focusing on immunological relevance in symptom onset may prove useful in developing preventative measures.