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Advantages Across Mice Strains In Respiratory Research

Mice strain can have an important impact on research, as certain strains are better suited to some applications than others. Three main strains of mice (A/J1, BALB/c2, C57B/63) are typically studied in respiratory research, using the SCIREQ flexiVent as a platform to assess respiratory mechanics across applications.


A/J mice are most commonly used for cancer and carcinogen testing because of their high susceptibility to carcinogen-induced tumours. In a respiratory context, these mice have airways that are spontaneously hyperresponsive to bronchoconstricting agents and develop cigarette smoke-induced emphysema more quickly than other strains, particularly the AKR/J mice.


BALB/c mice are frequently used for a variety of immunological studies, in part because they demonstrate TH2-biased immune responses. These mice are particularly well known for producing monoclonal antibodies.

Mice strains in preclinical respiratory research


C57BL/6 mice are the most commonly used strain due to their fully known genome and transgenic possibilities. These mice are used as a general purpose and background strain, making them widely published and easy to compare results across studies.



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