SCIREQ Respiratory Research Equipment

emka Technologies

Systems for preclinical research in physiology, pharmacology & toxicology
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SCIREQ – an emka technologies company

Precision laboratory instruments at the forefront of respiratory research.
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Pulmonary Research

Published in 2,000+ articles across pulmonary applications.
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Full control over experimental conditions with automated protocols, graphing and analysis
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Unique measurements offer a more in-depth insight into in vivo pulmonary structure and function.
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NPFE Extension

Translational outcomes similar to spirometry (FEV, FVC) for mice, rats and now ferrets!
I want in-vivo flow limitations insights!


Breathing parameters easily acquired with a variety of stimuli (gas challenges, infusion, optogenetics) in our new noise-cancelling vivoFlow chambers.
Why is the vivoFlow amber?


Automated, field-serviceable cigarette smoking robot generates consistent smoke concentrations for animal modeling.
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Compact and customizable exposure system to generate reproducible and relevant models for respiratory research.
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E-cigarette Extension

Puff or button-activated electronic cigarettes are fully automated to generate consistent vape, including JUUL, IQOS, RUBI and many more.
Do flavours affect particle deposition?

Lung Imaging

Consistent distribution to the distal portions of the lungs shown through fluorescent nanoparticles delivery.
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Air-liquid interface in vitro exposure using thermophoresis to increase the deposition rate from 2% to ~40%.
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All of SCIREQs preclinical respiratory research equipment is customizable for your needs. Get in touch with one of our experts to explore the different possibilities.

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