The 2023 Society of Toxicology (SOT) Conference Exhibition will take place in Nashville, Tennessee at the Nashville Music City Center from March 20th to the 22nd. Come to meet us at Booth 708 and 710!
During the SOT conference, we will be sponsoring the Inhalation and Respiratory Specialty Section (IRSS).
The IRSS of SOT is announcing a special award this year. This award is open to all SOT members irrespective of the specialty section membership.
This award will be given to a student or postdoctoral researcher evaluating the effects of inhaled toxicants on in vitro or ex vivo exposed respiratory cells.
Applicants should submit a one-page summary of their research relevant to the topic of the award (including their name and email address), and letter of support from their mentor.
Application Deadline 20th February 2023
Applications can be emailed to the IRSS Vice President Elect, Dr. Laura Van Winkle ([email protected])
We are proud to introduce our new expoCube, adding robust in vitro exposure to the automated inExpose system.
The expoCube provides a novel ALI (air liquid interface) culture exposure system, integrating with the inExpose’s existing exposure generators such as the integrated cigarette smoking robot and industry leading e-cigarette extensions.
The expoCube features:
The innovative design of the expoCube permits aerosol deposition profiles that are efficient, reproducible and translational.
Please fill out the below form and a specialist will contact you as soon as possible