flexiWare is a uniquely designed data acquisition software combining a powerful, flexible data flow control engine with a clean, easy-to-use graphical user interface. This combination of efficiency and simplicity is achieved by encapsulating configuration information at two levels, namely SCIREQ data acquisition maps and experiment templates. flexiWare software allows you to operate your SCIREQ hardware in an intuitive manner so that you can focus on your results, not on your equipment.

User Friendly

flexiWare software automatically detects and configures your hardware for your specific experiment template, combining outstanding performance and ease of use.


flexiWare offers an extensive library of predefined scripts allowing for one-click protocols to be run. Scripts can be customized to any experimental protocol which ensures that each subject will be studied in a predefined and reproducible manner by reducing user intervention.

Dose Response

Since many respiratory mechanics studies require a dose response, flexiWare offers an automated feature which not only saves precious post-processing time, it also allows the dose response curves to be viewed as they are being generated. This offers flexibility as users can intervene in order to adjust the protocol throughout the experiment if necessary.

Values Panel

flexiWare offers a configurable values panel that displays relevant parameters for reference at a glance. Ventilation parameters or measurement outcomes can even be configured with alarm notifications should they go beyond a predefined threshold. This allows the user to rapidly respond to any situation and avoid losing precious data.


SCIREQ solutions are known to offer sophisticated analysis and detailed respiratory mechanics outcomes allowing for deeper insight into the lungs. flexiWare achieves this with a wide range of analyzers configured for a variety of measurement manoeuvres.


flexiWare’s analyzers fit the collected data signals to published models and provide highly accurate and reproducible lung mechanics outcomes. These analyzers are highly configurable allowing the user to get the most out of their data.


In order to be confident in any data, it is important that it be validated. With flexiWare’s validators, users can add criteria to various measurements to compliment the validation built into the software in order to ensure that the data you collect is of the highest quality.


flexiWare Reports is a new tool designed to assemble group data and generate summary reports of lung function data collected. These reports are intended to help scientists screen early experimental results and provide a high-level assessment of respiratory mechanics data.


Data acquisition and analysis software is only as good as its data visualization. That is why flexiWare allows you to customize data visualization both within the software and by exporting your data into various third-party software.


flexiWare offers configurable data graphing options such as the trend view, single dataset view, dose response view and real-time monitor. The trend view makes it possible to follow the time course of your outcomes. The single dataset view provides details about a given measurement. The user can also follow a dose response in real-time and compare different subjects and subject groups in the dose response view. Furthermore, the real-time monitor allows the user to follow real-time data collection and ventilation patterns.

Data Export

flexiWare allows collected data to easily be viewed using external tools and software. flexiWare provides various customizable export scenarios that allow the export of both measurement outcomes and raw signals in Excel and ASCII formats. It is easy to post-process and graph collected data.