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flexiWare Software

For flexiWare software version 7 and above. Flexiware software Versions 7.6 and above have been fully tested in Windows 10. Many users operate flexiWare software versions 7.0 (and above) with Windows 10 without issue.
For all flexiWare software versions. FlexiWare software registration codes are located on the inside cover of the flexiWare User Manual. In case the registration codes cannot be found, please contact SCIREQ technical support and provide the software version and service pack, and the serial number of the flexiVent base unit. For example, flexiWare version 8.0 service pack 4, S/N: 1234567.
For all flexiWare software versions. It is common to mistype the Registration Code or System ID when registering flexiWare software. Please note that all letters in the code are upper case, and attention must be paid to ensure that the number zero is not confused with the vowel O, and the number 1 with the vowel I. When these mistakes are made the Unlocking Key generated will no be correct. To prevent this issue, please pay particular attention and copy/paste the codes when applicable. Alternatively, please contact SCIREQ technical support stating the software version, Registration Code and System ID of the device.
For flexiWare software version 7 and above. A software license can only be installed on a single computer. If you would like to install the software on another computer, the registration code for the software needs to be unregistered by SCIREQ. Please contact SCIREQ technical support and provide the registration code. The registration code can be found by launching the flexiWare software and click on the icon at the lower left corner of the ìWelcome to flexiWareî window:
For flexiWare software version 7 and above. Prior to collecting flexiVent data, a series of software steps must be performed, including study management, template selection and pertinent calibration procedures. Collectively these steps are referred to as the ìstart-up sequenceî and are fully documented in A Guide To Starting flexiVent Experiments Using flexiWare. This document, as well as other helpful TechNotes are available on our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).

From within an experimentation session, a dose response experiment may be implemented using our default SCIREQ provided Dose Response scripts. These scripts allow for an automated reproducible protocol for all subject. Please refer to the AppNote Assessing Airway Hyperresponsiveness Using The fleixVent for more details from a scientific standpoint. This document, as well as other helpful AppNotes are available on our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).

Please note, the default SCIREQ provided Dose Response script allows the collection of respiratory mechanics measurements at baseline, as well as following administration of incrementally increasing concentration of bronchoprovocative agents. Please contact SCIREQ technical support for more information.

For flexiWare software version 7.6 and above.
The default size limit of a flexiWare database is 1.5 GB. We recommend this particular size limit to optimize the time taken to load the data in Review & Reporting. Further, keeping the size of the database to below 1.5 GB makes the file easier to transfer to another computer if needed. Please refer to the document Best Practices For File Management Using flexiWare which provides information on managing the size of flexiWare databases. This TechNote is available on our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).

The maximum size recommended for databases is found by clicking on the System Settings button in the
Welcome screen:

Select Workspace (System Settings>Workspace) to find the ìDisk spaceî option. Once the size reaches 1.5 GB, users are notified by the software. Users have the option of modifying the size at which to receive the notification by using the drop-down menu. However, it is recommended to create a new database when prompted.

For flexiWare 7.6 and higher:

  1. Launch the flexiWare software.
  2. At the Welcome Dialog, click on the hyperlinked path of the database file, as shown below:
  3. When prompted, disconnect from the current database file, and click Yes.
  4. Click on the Browse button to find the desired database file (.FDB or .FDB8), as shown below. Typically database files may be found in the directory C:\ProgramData\SCIREQ\Database.
  5. After selecting the database file, tick the checkbox ìAlways connect to this EDBî to connect to the new database file automatically when flexiWare is opened and click OK.

For flexiWare software version 7 and above.
The flexiWare software is able to export data in Excel format (.xls) or ASCII.

Please refer to section 3.3 of the document A Guide To Exporting flexiWare Data, which provides information on how to edit export scenarios. This document is available in the TechNotes section of our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).

For flexiWare software version 7 and above.
Please refer to the document A Guide to Writing Scripts for flexiWare Software for a step-by-step guide through the process. This document is available in the TechNotes section of our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).

For flexiWare software version 7 and above.
Please refer to the document A Guide to flexiVent Data Validation with flexiWare for information on possible causes of rejected datasets along with documented solutions. This document is available in the TechNotes section of our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads).
If the issue remains, please contact SCIREQ technical support for assistance.

For flexiWare software version 7 and above. Please refer to the document A Guide to flexiVent Data Validation with flexiWare for information on possible issues which may be causing in unexpected results between subject groups. This document is available in the TechNotes section of our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads). Please contact SCIREQ technical support for further assistance.

For flexiWare software version 7 and above.
The frequency of the SnapShot manoeuvre is not a user-modifiable setting. SCIREQ is able to create custom manoeuvres upon request; however please note that our SCIREQ default manoeuvre are well documented in literature and have been well validated. If you are interested, please contact SCIREQ technical support and please provide your software version, along with frequency information for your custom manoeuvre.†
The Quick Prime-3 manoeuvre would be the manoeuvre to use to look at the respiratory system response over a range of frequencies.

††For your information, the Quick Prime-3 contains 13 different frequencies ranging from approximately 0.5-20 Hz.† This provides structure-function related information where the contribution coming from the lung compartment will dominate at the lower frequency range and the contribution from the airways will dominate at the higher frequency range.
The following blog post and articles will be of interest in addressing this topic:†
ª http://blog.scireq.com/2015/10/lets-talk-about-impedance.html
ª http://www.comprehensivephysiology.com/WileyCDA/CompPhysArticle/refId-c100058.html
ª http://www.jove.com/pdf/50172/jove-protocol-50172-evaluation-respiratory-system-mechanics-mice-using-forced-oscillation

For flexiWare software version 7 and above.
To modify the ventilation pattern Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) in a template, please follow these instructions:

  1. Enter a typical Experimentation Session.
  2. From within the Experimentation Session interface, please right-click on the desired ventilation pattern (example: Mouse Default CMV) and select Task Properties from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the Ventilation Pattern Properties panel, adjust the criteria PEEP Level, as indicated below:

Please note: Onset pressure of each of the flexiVent manoeuvres must also be modified to match the PEEP of the modified ventilation pattern. To modify the onset pressure of all manoeuvres, please follow the instructions below:

  1. For each manoeuvre, right-click on the Task (for example, Deep Inflation) and select Task Properties.
  2. In the Task properties panel, under the Waveform Properties node, please specify the Onset pressure (equivalent to PEEP), as indicated below:

In order to save the modifications made, please select File>Save as Template and choose the Save as ìNew Templateî option. When prompted to name the template, it is recommended to use a name which will allow easy identification, considering the equipment required and the changes made, for example flexiVent-AN-PEEP (AN=Nebulizer).


For flexiWare software version 7 and above. Computer workstation settings and firewalls are often the main source of hardware-software connectivity issues. To evaluate and overcome the source of the communication issue, please refer the document Troubleshooting Instrument Connectivity. This document is available in the TechNotes section of our SCIREQ website (http://www.scireq.com/knowledge-center/downloads). Please contact SCIREQ technical support should the issue persist.

During auto-calibration, the flexiVent piston should automatically move through its full range of motion, without any need for user intervention. A mechanical blockage, insufficient lubrication or inadequate power can result in unexpected piston movement. When the piston is not able to move sufficiently, the following error message is produced: ìPiston did not move as expectedî.
To help resolve this issue:

  1. Ensure that the motor lock is open and not impeding the motor arm movement, as illustrated below.
  2. Close the flexiWare software, power off the flexiVent, and manually move the motor arm back and forth.
  3. Restart the flexiVent system and flexiWare software and test the piston movement through the start-up sequence.

If you are using flexiWare 8 or above, please run the flexiVent Diagnostic test and report the results to SCIREQ technical support. Please contact SCIREQ technical support for further assistance.